Youth in 5th through 8th grades may acolyte. Training and scheduling is done by the Elders.
High school youth are scheduled to assist the Elders with Sunday morning ushering.
The Altar Guild consists of a group of women who serve, behind the scenes, in the important function of preparing and maintaining the chancel for worship, changing paraments, making banners, and cleaning the acramental vessels and linens. Members of Altar Guild serve with another member twice yearly for one month. The ladies meet once a month, currently on the last Tuesday, at 6:30 p.m.
Previously, the Evening Circle arranged a greeter schedule for their members to greet at regular weekend worship services. The Elders recently assumed responsibility of the greeter tasks.
The prayer chain consists of caring individuals and couples of our congregation who wish to offer up special prayer requests made by other members of our church. If you would like to be on the prayer chain and be notified of prayer requests, you are encouraged to contact the church secretary. Currently, prayer requests are sent via email; it is utilized by members of our church who do have an email account and check it regularly. Being contacted by email requires no further action, but prayer.
Dial-A-Devotion is a daily recording of a spiritual devotion and can be heard by calling 785-562-3776, and listening to the message. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact Arlene Duensing or a member of the Older Adult Ministry.
Holy Communion is celebrated the first and third Sundays of the month, and the Wednesday following, as well a other special days throughout the church year. Members and fellow LCMS congregants indicate they are communing on the blue attendance cards located in the pew racks. We ask that our visitors respect the communion policy as printed in the bulletin.
A 30-minute portion of our weekly worship is broadcast on KNDY-Marysville (AM1570/FM94.1) at 11:30 a.m. on Sundays. "The Lutheran Hour" is produced under the auspices of the International Lutheran Layman's League and is broadcast on KNDY (AM1570/FM94.1) at 12:30 p.m. on Sundays.
To sponsor a broadcast of either a Sunday morning worship or "The Lutheran Hour," please contact the Men's Club Treasurer.
We at Mount Calvary currently use the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) for litergical resources, hymns, etc. The LSB is published by Concordia Publishing House.